Storm Water Awareness

With frequent flood events over the past few years, our staff noticed a significant amount of litter and debris scattered across the flood zones in our watershed and our municipal partners were also starting to feel a public push to improve flood mitigation actions within their boundaries.  In 2016 the KWRC developed a partnership with Trout Unlimited Canada which enabled us to start developing a public awareness campaign to increase public awareness of the impacts of storm water run-off through a variety of ways that aim to reduce pressure on existing storm water infrastructure and improve watershed health.

This campaign involved:

  • generating a Storm Water Pathways Information Series of pamphlets that can help the public understand storm water run off and how rain barrels, rain gardens, and permeable pavers can mitigate the impacts of storm water, and


Yellow Fish Road

The Yellow Fish Road program is recognized across Canada as a storm drain painting effort that identifies and brings attention to community storm drains that directly empty untreated runoff into our waterways.  


The aim of the program is to reduce the amount of contaminants people unknowingly put into the watershed. By marking drains in this manner we hope to make people more aware of the impacts storm water has on the water quality of our riparian zones and our overall watershed health.

The KWRC enlists volunteers to help us carry out this program each summer. If you or a group you belong to would like to help us paint storm drains in the Kennebecasis watershed, please contact us!


Storm Water Pathways Information Series

The Storm Water Pathways Information Series offers a general explanation of storm water, the impact it can have in our watershed and suggests some measures we can take to reduce run-off rates and pressure on storm water infrastructure by using:

  • Rain Barrels

  • Rain Gardens

  • Permeable Pavement

Click on the photos to view the pamphlets or stop by our office to pick up copies.

Rain Gardens

Rain Barrels

Permeable Pavers


Rain Garden and Rain Barrel Public Demonstration Sites

To help the public better understand how rain gardens and rain barrels help manage storm water runoff, we partnered with local community activity centers, businesses and municipalities to install demonstration rain gardens and rain barrels so the public could come view them and learn more about them.



Rain Gardens

As of 2018, we have installed three rain gardens at public locations in the Town of Sussex. 

The first was installed in the Fall of 2017 at Sussex Middle School with help from the students. The other two were installed in the summer of 2018 with one being located outside the KWRC office at 5 Moffett Avenue and the other at the Potash Corp Civic Centre with the help of the PCC daycampers and staff.

Sussex Middle School Rain Garden
49 Bryant Drive, Sussex
KWRC Rain Garden
5 Moffett Avenue, Sussex
Potash Corp Civic Centre Rain Garden
240 Main Street, Sussex

Rain Barrels


In the Spring of 2018, we promoted the benefits of household use of rain barrels to collect storm water by offering a giveaway of 50 rain barrels to residents, businesses and community partners in our watershed. Some of these rain barrels were installed at locations open to the public where people could stop by to see them in person.


To see all the public demonstration rain barrels and rain gardens, click on the map to find their locations.